Saturday, January 2, 2016

TIRUMANTIRAM - TANTRA SEVEN - Verses 1993 – 2016 of 2121


English translation of the Tamil Spiritual Classic by Saint Tirumular



TANTRA SEVEN - Verses  1993 – 2016 of 2121





1993 Sun's Para Kalas evoluted from Bindu Through Para Nada


The Bindu expand into two Apara and Para

The Apara becomes the Para Nada

From Para Nada arises the Para Kalas

With those Kalas the Jnana Sun within dawns.



1994 In the Five Kalas Arise the Five Sound Forms


The Sound that arises

When Sun within dawns

Is emanation from Para Nada;

The Sounds Five, Vaikhari and rest

That to Para Bindu belong

Arise in Kalas Five, one in each.



1995 Sadasiva is the Finite Source of Formless and Formed Sounds


He is the Lord of Devas;

He creates the directions ten;

Of yore they hailed Him as Lord of Three;

He is the Lord of the Four too;

In them He stands as Being Central,

Thus verily, the Immortal Celestials say.



1996 Siva Dispels Darkness


He is the Truth,

Unreal He is not;

He is the Lord of the Universe;

My Father;

He is the Sun, Moon and Fire that darkness dispel;

He dispels too the darkness of Karma,

He, the Nandi Holy, to me appeared

The darkness of my low desires to dispel.



1997 Siva is the Light Resplendent


With His peerless rays

He dispelled my darkness;

And the divine fruit's honey within flowed;

Beaming with benevolent rays

As Lord of Kailas, He stood;

Within me too He stood aloft

As Light Resplendent.



1998 He is Supreme Light


His dazzling Light as Wisdom True spreads;

Unhindered, it invades worlds all;

It is the light pervasive, none can fathom;

Who does know it as the Light Supreme!



1999 The Jnana Sun is Within and Without


The Sun that rises in firmament vast

Stands within too shedding rays divine;

In directions eight he traverses constant;

Yet in them that Truth know

He stands for ever fixed within.



2000 Five Centers where the Light of Lord is


In the navel, eye and nose tip,

In the center of eyebrows, and within crown of head

In these five places, Lord resides as Light Divine;

He is the One Lord

The Devas saw as Three,

Brahma, Vishnu and Isa.



2001 Siva is Sun of Jnana


The darkness of contending Pasa,

And the Ignorance vast

These flee fast,

Before the Jnana Light of Siva,

Even as when the luminous Sun rises,

The murky darkness, before him, flees.



2002 Sivaditya is Immanent and Transcendent


In pot to pot the sun appears,

Well may you the pots close,

Yet in them you contain him not;

So, too, when Lord that poison swallowed

This body enters,

There can you contain Him not

He pervades all.



2003 Sivaditya is Space, Light and Darkness


Himself as the Three Lights (Sun, Moon and Fire) in one stands;

Himself as Brahma and Vishnu stands established;

Himself as life and body indistinguishably stands

Himself Space, Light, and Darkness too.



2004 Nine Abodes of Sivaditya


The divine Fire, Sun and Moon,

The earth, water, fire, wind and space

And the creation countless

These the abodes ancient of Siva are;

The Five Gods, (Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra, Mahesa, Sadasiva)

Are in the Vedas that has Angas six.





2005 He is Para-Bindu


The One whom I in contemplation realize,

The One Param whom Vedas praise,

The Undying Light in me shines,

Him I beheld, as Divine Swan (Para Bindu).



2006 Cosmic Bindu and Micro-Cosmic Bindu Are Inseparate


Two the swans on the river bank (of life)

The two swans separation know not,

If one Jiva says he is by himself,

Then that foolish swan, Grace receives not.





2007 Lord Creates Activating Saktis Jnana and Kriya


Vaikhari and rest of Sounds,

Maya and rest of Impurities,

Purusha and rest of Tattvas illusory

--All these,

Acting on Saktis, Jnana and Kriya,

The Lord True from time immemorial made.



2008 Lord is Atom-Within-Atom


The Lord is the Beginning of all,

He is the Atom-within-the-atom;

Divide an atom within the atom,

Into parts one thousand,

They who can thus divide

That atom within the atom

May well near the Lord,

He, indeed, is the Atom-within-the-atom.



2009 Seek the Jnana Way of Lord


Tiny unto the seed

Of the spreading banyan tree

Is the atom that is Jiva;

If by fire of Jnana

Your way purifies,

The dark Pasas that malign you

May well driven away be;

Seek the Divine way,

The Dancing Lord shows you.



2010 Jiva and Siva Commingling Stand


He within the atom (Jiva),

And the atom (Jiva) within Him

Commingling stand,

They know this not;

The peerless Lord pervades all

Unintermittent, in creation entire.





2011 Size of Soul



To speak of the size of Jiva

It is like this:

Split a cow's hair soft

Into a hundred tiny parts;

And each part into a thousand parts divide;

The size of Jiva is that one of part

Of the one hundred thousand.



2012 Siva's Infinite Size


Infinite great is my Lord,

Yet within the littleness of this body

He dwells permeating;

He is the Lord Supreme

Whom the Celestials cannot know;

As much as your Tapas is

So much also is He known.



2013 Practise Yoga in Perserverence


You may not for Yoga inclined be,

But if your Guru Illumined teaches you,

You may yet accomplish it;

And so perservere

In lives several;

And seeing you thus practise,

Sivva's Form will in your thought arise.



2014 Guru Illumines You


Harassed are you

By Maya's manifestations;

But when the Guru Illumined

By His grace lights you up

Your troubles entire cease;

The Jiva illumined in Jnana

Will Turiya State reach.





2015 Jnani is the Mature Jiva


The learned cows(Jivas) may wander bellowing,

The power-giddy cows may strut about,

Their insignia displaying;

But precious is a pot's milk (Jnana),

The goodly mature cows (Jnani's) yield;

The rest are but barren cows indeed.



2016 Jivas Graze in the Backwood of Worldly Pleasures


What to do with those cows

In the backwoods of desires graze?

Take them beyond,

And lead them to Feet of Lord;

Discipline them in ways superior;

Thus manage the herd;

Until then, their thoughts turn not

From the backwoods of worldly pleasures.




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