Friday, January 1, 2016

Do our words and actions conform to our prayers?

Do our words and actions conform to our prayers?



Baba said, "How cunning the people are! They fall at the feet, offer Dakshina, but inwardly give abuses behind the back. Is not this wonderful?" in Sri Sai Satcharitra, Ch XXI.



The family sat around the dinning table. The father offered a prayer, "Grateful are we to Thee, O Lord, for having sent us this delicious food. It comes to us as Thy prasadam. So bless us that the energy we get out of it may be spent in Thy service, in Thy service of Thy holy ones and in the service of the poor, the forsaken and the forlorn. Blessed be Thy Name!"


When the food was passed around, the father's complaints were frequent. He grumbled about the poor quality of the food and said that it was insipid, tasteless. He was not happy.


His younger daughter, a child of five, said to him, "Daddy, is it true that God hears all we say and sees all we do?"


"Of course, yes my child!"


"Then God must have heard our prayer," said the girl.


"Of course, yes!"


"And He must also  have heard your complaints?"


"Of course, yes!"


"Then tell me, Daddy, which did God Believe?" asked the innocent child.


The father did not answer. It was obvious that he realized his inconsistency.


Do our words and actions conform to our prayers?


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