Thursday, November 5, 2015

Tirumantiram - TANTRA Four Verses 914 - 930 of 1418


English translation of the Tamil Spiritual Classic by Saint Tirumular


TANTRA Four  Verses  914 - 930 of 1418




914: How to Form the Chakra


In the Chakra formed by lines twelve (Six Vertical and Six Horizontal)

Are the squares;

Fix the Mantra,

In the chambers five and twenty formed,

In One the Lord takes His seat.



915: The Configuration of the 121 Lettered Chakra Diagram


In his own Letter "Si", He abides;

The four letters conjoint are great Letters of His name

On the four sides of His Chakra are His own Five letters

In the One letter He abides is Hara's mantra too.



916: Say "Hara Hara" and End Birth Cycle


Say "Hara Hara"

Nothing formidable to you;

They who know not this,

Say not "Hara Hara;"

Say "Hara Hara"

And you shall a Celestial be;

Say "Hara Hara"

You shall no more birth know.



917: The Significance of Letter "Si" in the Chakra


In the eight directions is the letter "Si" in the Chakra

From that One Letter in places eight

Arose the Five Gods,

And the Saktis Nine,

And the Bindu and Nada;

Thus flourishes the Mantra, the Word Pure.



918: Significance of Letter Om


They know not how the Lord

Became conjoint with Her,

Who, on the blooming lotus sits;

They who chant the letter aspirated "O"

Conjoint with the letter unaspirated "m"

May well preserve their life ever.



919: The Five Letters Manifest (Sthula) and Subtle (Sukshma)


The Panchakshara (Five Letters) is the Lord's Abode,

That Panchakshara Manifest (is Namasivaya)

That Subtle is Sivayanama

Thus is He in that Mantra,

Manifest and Subtle.



920: Letter Ma Central in Chakra With 25 Chambers


That Chakra is with six by six lines formed,

The lines inside are five by five

Thus in all into five and twenty chambers divided;

In Center of these is Letter Ma.



921: The Yantra of Six Letters Om Na Ma Si Va Ya


Inscribe Letter 'Ma' in center

Above it describe Letter 'Va'

Surround the two by Letter 'O'

Split them in Center vertically by letter U

Place Letter 'Ya' on top,

Fix letter 'Si' on both sides,

That they look like eyes two,

The Letters 'Na' and 'A' to form the diagram's feet two.



922: A Variation of the Six-Letter Yantra


Describe Letter Pranava (OM)

In the Center on top place 'Si'

On sides two place letters 'Va' and 'Ya'

Inside inscribe Na Ma Si Va Ya

On the outer round figure Letters Si Va Ya Na Ma.



923: How the Five Letters are Filled in the 25-Chamber Chakra


In the row on top of Chakra

Write Si Va Ya Na Ma;

In the squares on row next

Fill Ma Si Va Ya Na

In the row third write Na Ma Si Va Ya

Still below comes Letters in order Ya Na Ma Si Va

In the squares last are Letters Va Ya Na Ma Si

Thus do you fill squares in Chakra

With 'Si' to begin and 'Si' to end.



924: How the 51-Letter Chakra is Formed


In Chambers five and twenty

Enclose letters fifty, two in each;

With letter "A" to begin

And final letter "Ksh" to end;

These with the one letter Om;

Fifty and one in all, the letters fill,

In Chakra's chambers five and twenty.



925: The Yantra for the Mantra Om Hari Hara


At the outer circle describe Hara Hara,

In the inner circle describe Hari Hari,

In the inner most center place Om, the Ajapa,

Mark the ends of circle by Trident sign.



926: Yantra Representing Lord's Abode


Inscribe Bija mantra Hrim

Above each trident sign;

That surounds the diagram Om

Write Letters Five

In the space betwixt trident signs;

The Chakra thus formed,

Indeed, is Lord's Abode.



927: The Yantra for Mula Chakra


In the Center inscribe our name Mula, that is Om,

Surround it in circles two concentric,

In the space between the circles two

Inscribe the Letters Five,

A, E, U, AE and O

That denote the Five Letters

Si, Va, Ya, Na, Ma.



928: How to Fill in the Mula Chakra


This the Mula Chakra famed,

In space between circles two

Fill entire with Letters Five stated,

Then does Chakra its loveliness take.



929: How to Chant Mula Chakra


As you describe Chakra of this mantra (Om)

The Lord as Guru will instruct you

The way to meditate on it, clear;

Anterior to chanting this mantra

Were the seed-mantras that pertains

To Wind, Water, Fire, Earth and Sky

Yam, Vam, Ram, Lam, and Ham.



930: Sum Saut Sivaya Nama


Conjoin the sixth letter U

To the forty-eighth letter S (a)

Add Bindu letter M (.)

To form the syllable Sum:

In similar fashion

Conjoin the fourteenth letter Au to S (a)

Add Nada letter Ah (:)

To form the syllable Sauh;

Chant then Si Va Ya Na Ma to follow;

Thus when you chant the mantra, full formed

As Sum Sauh Si Va Ya Na Ma,

The triple Pasas in distress howling

Takes to their heels, away, away.



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