Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Tirumantiram - TANTRA FOUR - Verses 884 - 898 of 1418


English translation of the Tamil Spiritual Classic by Saint Tirumular


TANTRA FOUR -  Verses  884 - 898 of 1418




884: The One-Letter Mantra of Our Lord


I praise, I laud

Jnana that is our Refuge;

I adore Holy Feet of Lord,

Constant in my thought;

I expound Siva Yoga;

Hearken you!!

I chant the One Letter, Aum

Dear to our Lord.



885: Letters A, U and M


By One Letter, A, He all worlds became;

By Two Letters (A and U), He the Two became--Siva and Sakti;

By Three Letters (A, U and M), He the Light* became;

By Letter M was Maya ushered in.



886: Glory of Chidambaram


Chitambalam is where Devas reside,

Chitambalam is where Devas reside,

Thiru Ambalam is where Devas reside,

The Sabha of the South is where Devas reside.



887: Dances in the Golden Temple


In the Golden Temple is the Atbudha (Wonder) Dance,

In the Golden Temple is the Ananda (Bliss) Dance,

In the Golden Temple is the Anavarata (Eternal) Dance,

In the Golden Temple is the Pralaya (Deluge) Dance,

In the Golden Temple is the Samhara (Dissolution) Dance.



888: One Letter Aum is Divine Dance


That which became Tandava Dance is One Letter Aum

That which became Tandava is Grace-act of Lord

He who performed Tandava is One Being Uncreated

In the Golden Hall is Tandava Dance.



889 God is Letter A and U


He is the Cosmic Light

He is Tattvas all;

He stands as Letters A and U

He is the Light Divine for Tattva Dance;

He is for Himself the Support All.



890: Variations of Namasivaya


He is the Uncreated Lord, Para Para Great for worlds all

In the Sphere of Muladhara He stands as Na-Ma-Si-Va-Ya

In the Sphere of Fire He stands as Na-Ma-Si-Va-Ya

In the Sphere beyond (Sun) He stands as Na-Ma-Si-Va-Ya

In the Sphere of yoga (Moon) He stands as Ya-Va-Si.



891: Letters A and U are Si and Va


Letters A and U are Si (Siva) and Va (Sakti)

They supreme are;

They are Voids, beyond reach of thought

They are Spaces Vast, of Intelligence Supreme,

Where He His Holy dance performs;

Letters A and U are Refuge Finale and Joy Eternal.



892: Letters Three--Si Va Ya


Letters Si Va Ya are bliss perpetual;

Letters Si and Ya are Jnana;

Si-Va-Ya is unalloyed joy;

Not many know this,

They who realizes this in Joy

Will Him behold in Dance-Joyous (Ananda).



893: Letters Two--A and U Became Five Letters


A and U are Letters Two,

All men of vast knowledge chant;

They are Letters Two

Into One and Five Letters resolve;

In them merge

The Tandava Dance of Dissolution;

In Muladhara Triangle they are,

Ascending high to Adharas rest.



894: Letters A and U are the Agamic Mantra


They are the Sadasiva;

They are the Agamas imperishable;

They are the Godly Goal,

They are the shady Mastwood Tree where bees indwell

They are the dance Holy;

They are the Agamic teachings divine,

They are the Immaculate Purity

Of the Divine Dance Hall.



895: Letters of Engrossing Purity


The Letters Pure are the Agamas;

The Letters Pure are Pati, Pasu Pasa;

The Letters Pure are Grace that is Bliss;

The Letters Pure are Egoity, Maya and Desire;

The Letters Pure are site of Divine Dance.



896: Lord is All


Himself as His Lord stands;

Himself as His Mountain stands;

Himself as Pervasive Himself stands;

Himself He stands,

As Lord that is Himself.



897: The Lord is Supreme


He is the Lord who stood dancing eternal;

He is the Lord who the holy one is;

He is the Lord who unfolds Jnana's honey-laden Flower;

He is the Lord whose Feet are holy beyond peer.



898: Letters A and U are Feet of Lord


The peerless Feet of Lord are Letters A and U;

The peerless Feet of Lord are Letters Two and Five;

The peerless Feet of Lord are Letters Fifty and One

The peerless Feet are mantras seven times thousand.


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