Thursday, October 15, 2015

Tirumantiram - TANTRA TWO - Verses 520 to 536 of 548


English translation of the Tamil Spiritual Classic by Saint Tirumular


TANTRA TWO - Verses 520 to 536 of 548




520: Manifestation of Downward-looking Face


"Hail our Lord! Our God!

Deathly is might of Padmasura

Save us, help, oh!"

Thus did Celestials to Primal Lord pray!;

And the Primal Lord to the Six-faced God

Of coral hue beckoned

And said, "Proceed and smite the enemy."



521: Blue Throat of Downward-looking Face


He sports the garland of white skulls,

His spreading locks are matted;

He supports Universe vast,

He fills Space in directions eight,

On the throat of His Downward-directed Face

Darkness suffuses;

They say, "He swallowed poison;"

They are ignorant, they know not truth.



522: The Truth of Lord's Blue-Throat


Ye men!,

Who in this sea-girt globe live

In falsehood and flattery!

Why His throat gleams dark,

He knows who made it so;

When you realize the truth

He will make,

Celestial beings bow to you.



523: The Downward-Looking Face is of Sadasiva


Inside Primal Fire that is Siva

Nandi rises in the centre, gleaming

He pervads worlds all,

His hue is of the twilight sun

Who the world in glory ambulates,

He is the Lord of the Downward-looking Face--




524: The Face Creates All


The Ancient One of Athomukha

Created Universe vast here below;

In Athomukha He animates all life;

He is Lord of Athomukha Sakti of lotus eye;

He is Lord of Aeons' End.



525 It Blossomed Into a Hundred Worlds and Impregnated Them With Energy


Hearken to this,

How Athomukha blossomed into a Gigantic Flower

Then, it transformed itself into a hundred worlds;

And into Limitless Energy

Animating them;

And then as Athomukha,

The Lord remained as their Support as well.





526: Abuse of Siva Brings Misery


Those who have Jnana attained,

Rid of all doubts in their thoughts

Seek Him in love intense

Shall reach the World of Celestials;

If the low-born think any the less of Him,

Dismal indeed is their fate--

Unto the parrot in cat's claw.



527: Adore Lord and Attain Jnana


The Devas and Asuras wasted their lives

And finally died;

They attained not Jnana true;

They alone can attain Truth

Who adore Primal Lord in devotion intense.

528: Abuse not Siva Even in Fun

They defied the Lord,

Devas and Asuras,

And they defied themselves one another

And destruction met;

However little, defy not Lord,

Not even for fun,

They snow-ball, one into ten.



529: Dare not Forget Lord However Holy


Learned are they in Vedic lore;

Knowing God is within them,

They bethought themselves to be God

And Plunged into pleasures distracting

Forgetting all thought of God.





530: The True Disciples are Blessed


The lowly ones

Care not for their parents,

They abuse their kith and kin in words foul

Only those who take to the way of Guru learned,

Are in truth blessed,

None else indeed.



531: Consequences of Abusing Guru


The Guru taught the wisdom

Of One-Letter mantra (Aum);

He who speaks derisive of Him

Will be born a lowly Cur;

And having led a dog's life for a Yuga entire,

He will be a worm born;

And then to dust shall be consigned.



532: Consequences of Abusing the Good


The virtuous wife, devotee true, and Jnani Great

Those who have done exceeding harm to shock them

Their life and wealth will in a year disappear,

True this is,

Upon Holy Nandi, I swear.



533: Do not Abuse Guru


Those who wounded feelings,

Of Holy Guru who taught,

The One-lettered mantra, "AUM"

Will be a dog born,

And after a hundred dog incarnations

Will die a human out-caste.



534: Harm to World by Maltreatment of Gurus


If Gurus who are devout of God

Are caused pain in heart

The country, people and their greatness

Will all as one destroyed be;

The thrones of heavenly king Indra,

And of kings mighty here below,

Will alike Crumble down;

Sure This is,

I swear by our Nandi true.



535: Do not Utter False-hood in Gurus Presence


Utter not falsehood in holy Guru's presence;

Then will goodness and wisdom depart;

Forgotten will be,

The time-honoured path of righteousness,

And all else that to prosperity leads;

The land a prey to famine falls.



536: Jnana Guru is the Real Guru


Who will throw away the precious Gem in hand

And carry a heavy stone instead?

Who will part with milk, curd and ghee on hand

And prefer the bitter poison, fatal?

Such indeed are the Gurus of Karma path;

Will they ever with Jnani compare?

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