Thursday, October 29, 2015

Tirumantiram - TANTRA THREE Verses 790 -798 of 883


English translation of the Tamil Spiritual Classic by Saint Tirumular


TANTRA THREE  Verses  790 -798 of 883




790: Days of the Week and the Course of Breath


Through Left and Right Nadis

On Fridays, Mondays and Wednesdays

Prana dominates in the nadi that is to left;

On Saturdays, Sundays and Tuesdays

It courses high in the right;

On Thursdays

Prana flows in the left

In the waxing moon's fortnight;

And in the right in the waning moon's fortnight.



791: Breath Rhythm For Glowing Health


If on Fridays, Mondays and Wednesdays

Breathing dominates in nostril left,

The body will no harm know

And it will in health glow;

Thus did Lord Nandi tell us,

In manner delectable.



792: Yogi Corrects the Breath Rhythm



Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays

Breath flows high on the nostril right;

The Yogi who knows this is God indeed;

If this rhythm in the days stated

Does obtain not,

Let the Yogi force it into nostril right by skill subtle;

Then shall he know nothing but joy.



793: Changing Rhythm on Sundays and Mondays


in Alternate Fortnights

If on a Sunday in a fortnight

The breath runs high on the right nostril,

In the fortnight next it runs high on the left;

If on a Monday in a fortnight

The breath runs high on the left nostril

In the fortnight next it runs low on the right;

Thus do they alternate from fortnight to fortnight

If this rhythm thus obtains,

Prana its strength derives;

Know well this

And according regulate breathing.



794: How to Regulate When Breath Rhythm Changes Course


The breath that rises in the Nadi Right

While its course into the Left changed

May a sudden jolt know

And in fear trembling flow;

Then leave the practice and rest a while;

If on the Right itself it flows

Faster than in rhythm appropriate

Then know the speed and suitable regulate.



795: Yogi Who Regulates Breath Will See Finite Light


The Prana runs helter-skelter

To Right and to Left;

If Yogi gathers it proper

And regulates to reach Kundalini,

He shall stand before the Finite Light;

Thus He said, Nandi Holy.



796: Choose Appropriate Time for Piercing Adharas


The Lord that you search

Is on the Flower Above seated;

Sixteen the Ways of breath control;

The Breath coursing upward in strength

With mind in concentration united,

Pierce the adharas;

The days apt for thus reaching the Centers

And the hour apropriate, know you well.





797: Directional Dangers in Days of the Week


On different days of week

The Soola lies in directions different

On Mondays and Saturdays it is in east;

On Tuesdays and Wednesdays in north

On Sundays and Fridays in west.



798: Dangers None if Breath Runs High in Right Nostril


On Thursdays menacing trident is in direction south;

Little effect Soola has

If breath to Left flows low,

No harm befalls if Right dominates;

Much good may actually swell.

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