Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Tirumantiram - TANTRA THREE Verses 618 - 631 of 883


English translation of the Tamil Spiritual Classic by Saint Tirumular


TANTRA THREE  Verses  618 - 631 of 883




618: Samadhi is the Final Goal of Ashtanga Yoga


Samadhi is end of Iyama and the rest

Samadhi is consummation of Siddhis eight

Who persevere in the path from Iyama to the end

Will alone the end Samadhi attain.



619: Vision of Light Resplendent in Samadhi


When in the Meru Peak of Sahasrara

Bindu and Nada flourish

In their union will Samadhi be;

And the Light Resplendent of Endless Jnana

Will then visioned be!



620: In Samadhi Mano-Laya is Reached


Where there is mind absorption,

There life's breath is;

Where there is mind absorption none,

There life none is;

They who, in rapture, sit in mind absorption

Are verily fixed in Yoga of absorption.



621: Mystic Vision in Samadhi


They who sit in Samadhi of Pure Consciousness

Vision the Mystic Woods and the Blooming Pond;

They roam in the royal expanse of Void Vast

And there at the foot of Fertile Mountain Meru,

They bridled their Horse of Breath to a stop.



622: In Samadhi They Vision the Void


On top of Spinal Column in the Center

Is built a habitation unique;

Three the compartments it has

Four the doors;

Within these they sit (in Samadhi);

When through the door on top

They vision the Void

No more the word Death, aye, not even in dream.



623: Vision Lord's Dance in Samadhi


Five the Mystic Regions,

Eight the Mountain Ranges,

Six the Adhara tribes that hold them;

With thought centered on Him

They well see Him there stand;

Partaking of the Grace of His Dancing Feet

They shall immortal be.



624: Samadhi Leads to Siva


Within the locked body

Is trapped the life-breath;

Course it to the Land

That no desire knows;

They who fix their gaze on Goal True

Will reach the Mango Fruit

That in the garden there hangs.



625: Ambrosia in Samadhi Leads to God


There is a way to vision the Lord,

The Celestial Beings churned

But with the mountain dark,

And partook of ambrosia;

But they climbed not

The heights of the Mystic Mountain

And partook not of ambrosia there flows,

For, they possess not

The unwavering mind

That soars in Samadhi high.



626: In Samadhi Oneness in God is Attained


He is our Own

He is the Primal One

He taught the Vedas Four

He is the light that glows within the purest gold

They adored Him in love

They approached Him all desires devoid

And climbed the Mystic Tree High;

Their breath halted in Samadhi

They with Him became One.



627: Vision of Mystic Moon in Samadhi


Beyond the Muladhara

Of triple angle shaped

Where Time and Space mingle,

Aloft that Center,

Opposite the forehead

Hangs the Crescent Moon,

Of myriad shape and peerless beauty.



628: Union With Siva in Samadhi


Bereft of distracting thoughts

Ascending the way of Kundalini

Seeking the Creator that created all,

Him that is Light Beauteous,

Reaching the Mystic Moon in union

He becomes one with the Being Uncreated

--That, in sooth, is Samadhi's tranquility.



629: Tranquility in Samadhi


Samadhi attained, Siva is attained;

Sakti too will be caught in its fold;

Distracting passions will be dispelled;

In equanimity perfect,

Like unto a balance

Will be the mind

All this, for those who in Samadhi sleep.



630: Samadhi Leads to Worship by Gods


He stood as the Peerless Pillar of Light;

When Jiva in Samadhi merges in Him,

Brahma that creates

And Vishnu of the ocean-hue,

Both stand adoring him.



631: Samadhi Transcends Siddhis


To those who are in Samadhi

Many the Yogas that come of themselves

And the Siddhis eight that come unsought;

But, Samadhi none is for those who walk with God

Samadhi none is for those who become one in God.

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