Tuesday, December 15, 2015

TIRUMANTIRAM - TANTRA SIX - Verses 1605 – 1623 of 1703


English translation of the Tamil Spiritual Classic by Saint Tirumular



TANTRA SIX - Verses 1605 – 1623 of 1703







1605: Goal of Sivananda is Ambrosial Bliss


Do incessant seek the goal of Sivananda,

There the Primordial Pasa enmeshes you not;

When it ever envelops you,

You but throw your egoity out and stand firm;

Yours shall then be the ambrosial bliss eternal.



1606: Knower-Knowledge-Known Relationship


To them that pursue the Object of Knowledge

Shall be vouchsafed Knowledge and its attributes;

The Subject that seeks the Object shall in the Object merge;

They that have cognised the Object of Knowledge

Through Knowledge

Have the Knowledge of union with the Object.



1607: You and He


The two categories-You and He

See them both in you and He;

Offer the flower "you" at the Feet of He;

Then no more be it proper to say: "You and He."



1608: Nandi Redeemed Me in Jneya


He rid me of Tattvas six and thirty,

He elevated me;

And enveloped me in the infinite

Expanse of the Spirit;

He imparted me the State of Permanence

He transformed me into Siva Divine;

And through the Subject-Object identity

Dispelled my ignorance

Thus He redeemed me

He, Nandi of blessed memory.



1609: Knowledge and Ignorance


Even unto the witless here below

That know not knowledge from ignorance,

Was I; He taught the distinction between the two

And made me know my Self;

He transformed me into Para

And intimated me into very Siva;

He, Nandi of hallowed name.



1610: Wonders Nandi Showed


"May you have," He said:

"The vision that eye has seen not,

The message that ear has heard not,

The rapture that cloys not,

The union that had been not,

The Nada that ceases not,

The Bodha that arises at Nada's End,

All these, may you have," He said,

He, the Nandi of immortal fame.



1611: Mauna's Emanations


They that have mastered the Divine (Silentness) Mauna

Shall reach the very bliss of Mukti;

And all Siddhis of themselves seek them

Into the Silent Word would in perfection evolve;

Mastering Mauna thus,

They shall gain the power

For the five divine acts to perform

Creation, Preservation, Dissolution,

Obfuscation and Grant of Grace.



1612: Sunder Bonds of Birth at Feet of Guru


Having achieved divine Mudras* three,

Directed breath into the Centers three,*

And coursed its rhythm in finger-measure four,

-They who sat thus in yoga,

Joyous at lumniscent Guru Feet,

Have for ever sundered bonds all,

And never be born and dead again.



1613: In Jneya is the Primal Form of the Spirit


As he holds Mudras three of divine potent

The Jnani Supreme attains Higher Forms Three;

And in rapturous dance he enters Jneya

And himself the Primal Form of Spirit becomes;

The Jiva that is Jnathru (Knower).





1614: God is Reached by Renunciation


Beyond birth and death,

Reached by renunciate tapas

Is He, my Lord of resplendent glory!

Sing His praise! Incessant pray!

The Heaven's Lord shall show you the Dharma's Land.



1615: Renunciation Leads to Light


A myriad times are they born and dead,

In a million folly they forget this;

And in the darkness of Mala are close enveloped;

When at last the hidden Grace of Siva bursts forth,

And chases the Night away,

Then is the moment for the soul to renounce;

When it does then, a radiant Light it becomes.



1616: The Renunciate Lord Sunders Birth Bonds


He is Dharma, He is birthless, kinless;

In the wilds he abides, by alms he lives;

Know you, He has renounced all;

And to all those who renounce,

He sunders their bonds of birth

You insensate ones! Know thus.



1617: The Renunciate Shall Walk in the Straight Path


He laid the path, and planted the thorns along;

When you from the path deviate

The thorns of temptation shall prick you;

They that deviate not,

Them the thorns prick not.



1618: Stand Steadfast in the Goal of Tapas


Spotting my failings, demanding tribute of me,

The five senses in ambush held me;

That indeed is not of my seeking;

Firm in tapas, I stand;

Seeking the hallowed Feet of the dancing Lord,

That on the sacred bull rides.



1619: When Grace Blossoms, Tapas Ceases


The ploughman ploughed; the heavens poured;

And by the ploughman's ploughing, in time it flowered;

The ploughman then to the ploughwoman left,

As unto her eyes the flowers are,

To watch, and guard and tender;

The ploughman thus for ever ceased

All efforts at ploughing further.



1620: Liberation is for the Renunciate Alone


The Lord renounced all;

He is the Shining Light above;

He is the Friend of all,

Who have surmounted Death's days;

He is devoid of desires;

The guiding light of all those

Who Darkness renounced;

Only to those who abandoned this world,

Will His Feet within reach be.



1621: When Distractions of Senses Cease


One the serpent (Jiva), Five its hoods (Senses)

The Four (Antakaranas) fill the thorny hole of enjoyment;

In its twain body, subtle and gross

It raised its hoods and danced away;

Then into a single hood it merged (Kundalini)

Into the very body within.



1622: None Knows How He Comes


The Primal Lord is the first of Renunciates;

In that thought is little comfort

Not that easy may He come by;

Many, many lives may it take

For Siva's Feet to reach;

Who knows how and when

The Loved One comes?



1623: The Yogi Espied the Mystic Flower in the Cranium


The Mystic Exit opened,

And the nine orifices were sheathed in armour

Of Sakti of lily-wreathed tresses;

The Captain that is the breath of life

Climbed the mast of Negation Bitter,

And looked atop from the cranium roof;

And lo! beheld the budded vine bloom,

As in temple lofty and sacred.


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