Saturday, December 12, 2015

Tirumantiram - TANTRA FIVE – Verses 1550 - 1572 of 1572


English translation of the Tamil Spiritual Classic by Saint Tirumular



TANTRA FIVE – Verses 1550 - 1572  of 1572





1550: Who Attained Divine Tranquility


The Heavenly Beings, immortal as the mountain Himalayas,

Received the Darshanas that are Six;

"We learned them all and attained the Other World"

-Thus quote they;

But, in sooth,

The Primal Lord is in intimacy within

Of those that have Divine Tranquility attained.



1551: Worship Siva and Siva Become


They who bow their head at the Feet of Lord

Of spreading matted locks and Konrai bloom bedecked,

They shall, like unto Him, become;

But they that yearn not for Him in constant eagerness

Shall be in sorrow immersed,

Sighing eternal here below.



1552: Worship Brings Immortal Life


Despair not!

You that thus sit and bewail

And you that have lost your better nature!

Seek Lord in penance true,

The Heavens' Lord shall wipe your tears away,

And grant you Greatness;

And you shall then know births no more.



1553: Lord is Unto Gentle Rain


Who seeks Finite Truth

They His friend are;

Who does not seek Him

They but know the Worldly Men's Misery-Way,

Enveloped in darkness of bondage

In vain shall they be born again and again;

Who seeks Path True

To them, the Lord is unto richly laden clouds

That drops gentle rain of Heavenly Grace.



1554: Lord Guides the Boat of Life


The Boat of Life

By Divine Wisdom guided

Discharges quick its cargo

At the City Ancient;

Having seen that unerring prospect

These wretched men of ignoble deeds

Think not of His Holy Feet,

In devotion replete.



1555: Lord is Within You


The Only Being, the Eternal Being

Within you He dwells;

When you say so,

These ignorant men laugh low;

Poor folk! if they but seek Him in prayer within

Then shall they meet Him-the Peerless One.



1556: Who Pursued False Faiths


They wake not to Inner Light of Aum within;

And joy not in ego-effaced bliss ensuing

They wot not of approaching death,

They seek not end of recurring birth,

Lo! they pursued the unending path of contending faiths,

And stood forlorn, for ever lost in faith false.





1557: Lord Pervades All Six Inner Faiths


He is the Ancient One,

He created the beings of earth and heaven,

In days of yore, in Order Divine;

The Six Faiths seek the Feet

But of the One Primal Peerless God;

And in them all He pervades

In measure appropriate.



1558: All Faiths Lead but to Lord


One, the Great City,

Six, the roads that lead to it;

Thus are Faiths Six;

They that contend, "This true; That false"

Are unto the dog that in ire barks

To its own echo at hilly side.



1559: Come, Stand Apart and Seek Lord


He is the incomparable Lord

Of the magnificient path of Saivam;

He is Nandi of Divine Lustre

That breaths the eternal life of Grace;

Beloved is He of the truly great;

The Lord of all universe, the source of all Joy;

Come, stand apart, seek, realize,

And be redeemed.



1560: "You Are He"-Is the Teaching of True Path


Siva laid the divine path ancient

That leads to the Home Eternal

Seek Him that way;

And know you are He

You shall duly find Him within yourself.



1561: The True Path is Through Kundalini


The Six Faiths that profess the means to Becoming

Are by themselves but blind alleys all;

No good comes by following them alone;

The true path of Becoming for all life to pursue

Is but the path of divine Kundalini Sakti,

The blossom-vine that through Six centers courses.



1562: Lord Ever Guides


Now have I realized the Path of Hara;

In the past I sought Him in narrow paths

And strayed;

Lo! all the while He stood before me

Like a beacon light in firmament

Guiding my voyage

Across the sea of my Soul's longing.



1563: Siva Path is Proven Path


The Path of Siva is the proven path

It led them to Hara;

It is the royal path that renowned Souls had walked;

The Path Divine

That took the devout to Cosmic Space;

That path, do seek,

Enter and persevere.



1564: Vision of Light Effulgent in Saiva Path


Still your wandering thoughts;

Chant sacred syllable "Si"

And so persevere in Path of Hara

You shall envision Primal Light Effulgent.



1565: Vision Through Saiva Path


He that belongs to the Lady of Lightning Form

He that belongs to the Vedic Fire of Brahmins

He that belongs to them that think of Him

He, the Primal Lord

He, the tender shoot of Jnana,

When you glimpse His loving signs,

Then have you walked in Path of Siva.



1566: Adoration of Siva is Bliss


They that discriminated not

Knew not Hara's Path;

Their souls in myriad machinations caught,

The Truth saw not;

They that followed Hara's Path

Of a certain reached His Feet of Grace,

And joyed the Bliss, all senses uplifted.



1567: Saiva Path was Laid by Holy Nandi


The Holy Nandi, the acclaimed Master of Saiva Faith

Has showed a Way-the Master's way of Redemption;

That, divine Path of Saiva

He did chalk out for those here below

To walk in Sanmarga's trail

And be for ever free.



1568: Attune to Infinity


This the right Faith, that the true Faith

When my Lord Nandi thus sees

Mad men in two contend

He smiles in pity;

What though the form of Faith?

What though the place of Birth?

They with mind to infinity attuned

Sure enter the City of God.



1569: Siva is Inclusive of Jiva


Siva has faces five

And with His downward looking visage for Jiva,

He has faces six in all;

The Lord by Himself All

Sports the garland of heads

That verily is the Human Aspect

Of the Godly One.



1570: Lord is Beginning and End


The Primal Lord spanned the worlds seven

He stands as the sea and the myriad life here below,

And with Parasakti pervades all

In Union that no separateness knows

Verily, God is the Beginning and End of All.



1571: The Path of Siva Leads to Bliss


The immortal Beings, Devas and Vidyadaras,

Sought after Him, but knew Him not;

But pursuing the proven path of Siva

I reached His Feet of Grace to adore

And so realized the bliss of Here and Hereafter.



1572: Macrocosm in Microcosm-A Mystery


Baffling indeed is the mystery of Life's Goal

Baffling it is, why into the six systems was it made;

A baffling mystery far,

How into the shedding sheaths of this body microcosm

Got imprinted a veritable macrocosm.




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