Friday, December 25, 2015

TIRUMANTIRAM - TANTRA SEVEN - Verses 1814 – 1846 of 2121


English translation of the Tamil Spiritual Classic by Saint Tirumular



TANTRA SEVEN - Verses 1814 – 1846 of 2121






1814 Be Born in Grace and Receive Grace


Those who do not take their firm stand on Grace

And in conscious determination steep in it not,

Will never Grace receive;

Nor be freed of Pasas Five;

They will not know greatness that Grace gives;

They will not resolute be;

They alone know Grace who to Grace are born.



1815 Nandi Grants Unending Grace


Nandi the great, Nandi the famed,

Nandi that barred the way of my future birth;

He gave me the ambrosial bliss that never cloys;

He the Lord of a thousand names;

In one word He said, "Bathe eternally

In the unending sea of Grace."



1816 Imparting Grace Siva Grants His Form to Jiva


I danced and sang and wept and lamented

Thus I sought Him, and Siva's greatness saw,

And as I with Him united

He, His indefinable Form granted

And in me pervaded, His Grace imparting.



1817 Nandi Planted His Feet on me and imparted Grace


The birth I took,

The impurities (malas) I bore

He dispelled as but Maya's cloud;

"You are of these rid"--so saying

He planted His Feet on me--

He the Nandi famed;

All unworthy knowledge I gave up,

I prostrated and at His feet prayed.



1818 Light the Lamps of God by Inner Light


Light the Lamp, and see the Void

Before the Lamp all pangs cease

They that have the Light to light the Lamp

Are but the Light, in the Divine Lamp shine.



1819 By Inner Light Unite One in Siva


Interminable are light and darkness

Only to those who have light, will darkness cease;

To the eyes that see light, darkness is not;

So, too, when the inner light dispells darkness

The Jive with Siva one becomes.



1820 Lord is Gracious


Aimless I wandered,

On me He planted His golden Feet,

In purity He entered, and made me pure

In charity He entered, and gave me the bliss of ambrosia

What ho! this gracious act!

In wonder limitless, I stand bedazed.



1821 Grace is the Refuge


There is a Space Vast that is Grace

There is a Refuge Safe that is Lord

In me He entered, my darkness to dispel;

Know Him fully; then indeed, is Siva-State.



1822 Save the Soul


If other gods be born, live and die

Are they the True Ones? Speak;

Let us this body leave, to vultures a prey

And save our Soul--this you should proclaim.





1823 Soul is Siva Linga


For the Bounteous Lord

This heart is the sanctum holy,

The fleshly body is temple vast

The mouth is the tower gate;

To them that discern,

Jiva is Sivalinga;

The deceptive senses but the lights that illume.



1824 Prayer is True Sacrifice


To Nandi of the spreading matted locks

That the sacrificial oblations takes,

We nothing offer;

The sacrifice that we morn and even can give

Are songs of praise that melt His heart;

Let us that sacrifice offer;

Verily, that is sacrifice, milk that is sweet.



1825 Worship Sadasiva and Become Siva


The Lord that with Lady of milky speech consorts

Is the Para Para Supreme;

In Him enshrine Sadasiva

His upward looking Face as Isana consider

And thus your worship perform

You shall Siva Himself become.



1826 Adore the Lord and Behold Him


You can think of Him, you can speak of His Truth

But rare indeed to see the Lord of the Holy Feet;

They can but see the Lord of the Holy Feet

Who adore Him with flower and water.



1827 Celestials Worship Lord with Archana


Why is it the Lord has taken His seat

In the heart of Beings Celestial

That consecrated water and garland of flowers bear?

With offerings five of dishes sweet

And with upachara* rituals two times eight

They humbly prostrating, in archana, worship. Evocative



1828 Pray and Receive Grace


The devout are they with flower and water pray

The Lord seeing that bestows His Grace on them

Countless are the sinners that know not how our Lord to approach

Thus they slip by in ignorance deep.



1829 Anoint Feet of Holy is Unto Bathing in Holy Waters


Know the reward of bathing

In the nine waters of the Lord;

Mukti indeed for those

That anoint the feet of holy men

Who in Jnana are upraised;

Thus does Mula proclaim.



1830 My Prayer is to Worship Lord with Archana


Even if in thoughtlessness

I world's ways pursue,

Do grant me this:

That I with water and flower

Unceasing adore You;

This my prayer;

O! Lord of immortals!



1831 Chant the Thousand Names of Lord


The Immortals swarm in hordes seeking Him;

The seas and lands unending,

All that yours shall be,

When you chant unceasing

The thousand names of the Primal Lord,

And the One Sacred name Special.



1832 Lord is in Our Heart


Bathing Him in the five products of cow (Pancha Kavya)

The Celestial beings in hordes seek the Lord

Who knows end none;

Within the honeyed flower that is heart

His Grace stands revealed;

He who the five elements and their attributes created.



1833 Celestials Pray and Receive Lord's Grace


Bearing choicest flowers and water

The heavenly Beings over clouds traverse;

And with Pasa subdued, stand and pray

And unfailing, My Lord's Grace receive.



1834 Enter the Sea of Heart's Faith


In the expanse of waters (Ganga),

With spreading matted locks is Nandi;

Renounce the sea of unbelief;

Enter the sea of heart's faith;

They who adore Him not thus

With hands laden with flowers

Will in the sea of sorrow fall,

And forever immersed be.



1835 Break the Banks of the Sea of Sorrow


Breaking the marshy banks of the sea of sorrow

They adore Him with buds and blossoms;

They who know this not, into error great fall;

But those who know it, will see the Lord

In the crown of their head, seated within.



1836 Adoration is the Way to Reach Lord


There is one way to reach Him

Adore Him with flowers many;

To them that do this,

The Lord by Himself stands revealed;

This the way to the Holy Feet of the three-eyed God;

Adoring Him thus, He fails never to stand before you.



1837 Seek Him In Prayer


"My Lord, the Primal One, the Timeless Eternity,

The Holy One,"

--Thus they adore Him with flowers diverse,

And in love endearing at His Feet worship,

His Grace to receive;

How then do you in prayer seek Him not?



1838 Siva is the Primal One of Plural Three


Laden with flower and water

The Celestial beings seek the earth

And sing the praise of the Pure One;

Who who thinks of His bounteous Grace

Him He blesses,

He, the Primal One of the Plural Three.



1839 Pray and Prosper


You that labour hard

Gather flowers and carry water pure;

Adore the Lord in unfailing piety

And at His shining Feet lay the flowers;

And stand and pray

And unto the rain-laden clouds

Forever prosperous you shall be.



1840 Lord Receives Worship


To perform Lord's worship in manner appropriate

Senses subdue, hasten, and quick at His Feet fall;

And offering water and flower daily worship

He will accet you, thus I said, even in days of yore.



1841 Way to Goal Supreme


Adorn Him with garland of flowers

Place them at His feet

Praise Him as the Lord Primal;

Those that have daily prayed to Him

And yet have known Him not

Let them adore Him with Athi flower, so dear to Him

And pray, their base nature be cleansed of impurities;

--That the way to Goal Supreme.



1842 Nandi is Within


Above the lotus of the heart, beyond

In Bliss abides,

Nandi of the spreading matted locks;

Yet they know not the mantra to muse and chant

That will to Him lead and there abide.



1843 Lord is a Gem-Set Jewel


He is the gem that lies embedded in the cubit of the heart

Until they see Him, they think not of Him;

Into them who cherish and muse on Him over and over

As a gem-set Jewel He shines.



1844 Nandi Dispels Darkness


Nandi of gracious qualities

Is the Chakra (discus) that cuts the Darkness (of impurities)

He takes his abiding seat in my heart,

While the Celestial Beings to whom He bestows His gifts

Come in prayer, beseeching Him from afar.



1845 The Four Dikshas or Ordination Rites


By Samaya Diksha, the Primal Malas their potency lose;

By Vishesha Diksha, the Mantra purification insures;

By Nirvana Diksha, the Kalas purification is effected;

The Abhisheka Diksha is for those

Who the Jnani State has attained.



1846 Seek Him Incessantly--He is Timeless Eternity


Unless they have adored Him through aeons and aeons

They will not have become the Jiva that is Karma devoid;

Hari on the sea, and Aya besides,

Seek Him through ages after ages;

Yet is He beyond reach;

He that shines atop of Time.




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