Monday, December 21, 2015

TIRUMANTIRAM - TANTRA SEVEN - Verses 1726 – 1752 of 2121


English translation of the Tamil Spiritual Classic by Saint Tirumular



TANTRA SEVEN - Verses 1726 – 1752 of 2121





1726 Human form is Siva Linga


The Human Form is unto Siva Lingam

The Human Form is unto Chidambaram

The Human Form is unto Sadasivam

The Human Form is unto the Holy Dance, forsooth.



1727 Desire for Births persists


Tired they are not;

Still they want to live

In this fleshly body,

Of earth, water and other matter made;

They seek not to adore Lord

Whom the Elements Five

Together in prayer beseech.



1728 Lord is Master of the sense gates of body


The day the Lord entered this body tabernacle

The Five Senses who their places had taken

Opened the gates;

And showed you the way of redemption;

As unto the mother's home

He in me entered;

And taking charge of the gates, Master became.



1729 Lord opens the sense gates


At the Feet of the Lord

Who this body as His temple chose

Lies the forest of Vedas;

At the Feet of the Lord

Who these gates made His own

Lie the Nadis ten;

He who, our adoration received

Subduing our senses five

In me entered operating the gates wide;

He, My Lord, the Nandi Great.





1730 Sadasiva form with Five Faces


His twin Feet are planted on earth below;

The ten hands, the holy in praise sing,

In directions all spread;

Five His Faces that are sought,

Five times three his eyes fiery;

Thus is Sadasiva that you seek

The Pearl that is lustrous, beyond, beyond compare.



1731 Sadasiva comprehends all Nine God-Forms


Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra, Mahesa,

And the Five-faced Lord above,

Bindu, Nada, Sakti Primal, and Siva

--All these are but Sadasiva in general.



1732 When Sakti Evolutes


Within the Becoming Sakti the Kalas repose

Within the Becoming Sakti their rays emanate

Within the Becoming Sakti the Lord His seat takes

Within the Becoming Sakti the directions ten as Space appears.



1733 When Sakti further Devolutes


In that Space thus opened up

The Six Vedangas took their place;

In that Space thus opened up

The Four Vedas took their place;

In that Space thus opened up

The Four Paths beginning with Chariya

Took their place;

In that Space thus opened up

The Saiva Truth the Four Paths comprehended

Took its place.



1734 Sakti Devolutes still further


In that Truth arose the Avastas (States of Awareness) twice five;

In that Truth arose the Rasis (Zodiacal houses) twice six

In that Truth arose the Tattvas (Body Constituents) twice forty-eight;

In that Truth arose the Sadasiva Supreme.



1735 The Five Faces of Sadasiva and their Hues


Central, East, South, North and West

These the Five Faces of Sadasiva;

The Central Face is of crystal hue;

The Eastward Face is crimson unto Kum-Kum

The Southward Face is dark unto thick pitch

The Northward Face is red unto Aratham flower

The Westward Face is white unto milky hue;

Thus did He reveal unto me,

His lowly vassal.



1736 Sadasiva's Form


Five His Faces; thrice five His eyes;

Twice Five His hands number,

Five and Five Weapons He holds;

Thus my dear Lord, my heart entered

And in fullness pervaded.



1737 Sakti is the Kinetic and Siva the potential Aspects of God-head


Sakti is this wide world

Sakti is this universe vast

Sakti-Siva conjoint is the Kinetic and Potential

Sakti is the Formed;

Siva the Formless;

Sakti-Siva Tattvas are six and thirty true.



1738 Sadasiva is Tattva (Truth) Real


Formless is the Tattva primal

Formed, it is the world, animate and inanimate;

A source of pleasure then indeed it is;

Tattva is all and pervasive,

Sadasiva is Tattva (Truth) Real.



1739 Sadasiva is Our Lord


"Sadasiva is our Lord"--

Say this times hundred;

Anything else you try to say,

He will still be beyond it;

He suffers not those Gods

Who themselves exalt;

He, who my heart entered.



1740 Muse on Sadasiva's Form


The dark throat, the up-lifted axe,

The matted red locks, the radiant crescent moon,

The Primal Lord that is Grace abounding,

Him I mused, all dark doubts dispelled.



1741 Names of the Five Faces of Sadasiva


To recount the Five Faces where His Grace abounds

Thus it is:

The Northward Face is Vama

The Westward Face is Satyojata

The Eastward Face is Tatpurusha

The Southward Face is Aghora

The Upward Face is Isana.



1742 How Sakti dwells in the Five faces of Sadasiva


In the shining Isana face is Sakti's Crown;

In the Tatpurusha face is Her Visage

In the Aghora is Her Heart and Waist;

In the Vama face are Her Feet blessed.



1743 Form of Sakti in Sadasiva


The breast, the head, the tresses long,

The eyes, the fore-head mark, the armour

These the Sakti's are

Of growing green hue

As lightning is She, the dazzling crowning Sakti

Fiery bright, Her ten Weapons.



1744 The Five Saktis are seated in Sadasiva


The heart is the divine Jnana Sakti

The head the heavenly Para Sakti

The tresses the Adi Sakti

The colorful armour is Icchha Sakti

In the eyes is the active Kriya Sakti.



1745 Sakti in the First Three Adharas


In the quadrilateral Adhara (Muladhara)

Sakti in firmness stands;

In the hexagonal Adhara (Svadhishana)

Sakti is in sleep;

In the circular Adhara (Manipuraka)

Sakti is in agitation;

Of Sakti's Form is Sadasiva.



1746 Sadasiva is seated in Sahasrara


Whatso be the time you seek the great Nandi,

He stands unique,

His Five Faces glowing unto the evening sun;

Rousing the Kundalini through Yogic breathing

When you upward course through centers nine

Upon the lotus top, He aloft stands.



1747 Sadasiva abides within body


In union inseparable

He ever abides in this fleshly body

That is His nature divine;

His Perfection's Feet upon my head I bore,

And in my heart's deep, I prayed.



1748 Sadasiva is realized in the Body


The shining Truth He is

Him I realized in this world below;

Into my heart's temple here on earth

I brought Him, lo!

Him in union I embraced and prayed

Truth it is, pure and simple;

To Him, the Sun Resplendent, I sang

To music and to measure appropriate.



1749 The Lord is the Source of Light and Energy for Sun, Moon and Fire


To Sun, Moon and Fire

He lends His fiery rays;

The seven worlds twice he supports;

And in the Center of Spaces Vast

He stands,

He is the Beginning, He is the End,

His own Form, cool as moon.



1750 The Lord is uncreated


He standes

His Form as Uncreated Siva Linga

His Form as Sadasiva Divine

His Form as Sivananda, bliss unalloyed

His Form as Tat-Para Eternal Supreme.



1751 The Lord is the Cosmic sound "Aum"


None knows He is Ahara, the letter "A"

And the pervasive Sakti is Uhara, the letter "U"

The two sounds swelling alternate

Fill the world as Aum in unrelieved entirety.



1752 Linga is Aum


The Linga's Holy Pedestal is the humming Omkara (Aum)

The Linga's Center part is filled with Ahara (A)

The Linga's inner round is with Uhara replete (U)

Linga is Bindu-Nada, Makaram (M) pervaded.


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