Tuesday, December 29, 2015

TIRUMANTIRAM - TANTRA SEVEN - Verses 1910 – 1936 of 2121


English translation of the Tamil Spiritual Classic by Saint Tirumular



TANTRA SEVEN - Verses 1910 – 1936 of 2121





1910 Do not Consign Siva Jnani's Body to Fire; Nor Neglect it


If the body of Siva Jnani is to fire consigned,

The people entire will in burning fever suffer;

If his body a prey to dogs and jackals left,

Tumultous war the land will see,

And the people a prey to dogs and jackals be.



1911 Disasters Follow if Jnani's Body is Consigned To Fire


If to fire the Jnani's body is consigned

That will be unto fire the Lord's temple consigned;

No more will rains fall on the land,

Famine shall ravish the world,

Countless kings will their kingdoms lose.



1912 Bury Jnani's Body in Proper Way


Proper indeed is to bury them;

If to fire they are consigned

Destruction dogs the land;

If left to perish, uncared for,

The world its prosperity loses,

A fell prey to devastating fire falls.



1913 Bury Jnani's Body in an Underground Sepulchre


Let the body of Jnani,

When Lord's Grace receives,

Be in a cave seated,

Appropriate in earth's bowel dug;

Then stately rulers and people in land

Receive blessings,

Of Grace infinite.



1914 Samadhi Rituals


Well dig the sepulchre,

Heap the earth five cubits around,

Shape it into a triangle

Three cubits on sides;

And there in Padmasana,

Seat the body.



1915 Samadhi Cave Locations


One's own homestead, roadside, tank bund, riverbed,

Flowery grove, city's common

Forest dense, and mountain valley high

--These the sites appropriate,

For the sepulchre to shape.



1916 Dimension For the Sepulchre Cave


Five feet on four sides all,

Nine feet straight deep,

Three feet each on the triangle's sides

--These the dimensions

Appropriate for the sepulchre to shape.



1917 Samadhi Rituals


In abundance spread the five metals precious

And the nine gems rare;

Upon them place the seat,

Scatter the Kusha grass,

And shower the holy ashes white;

Above that scatter

Turmeric powder that is of color gold

And incenses richly mixed.



1918 Samadhi Rituals (Cont.)


Shape the cave inside into a square,

Upon that lay garlands of honey-dew flowers;

Sandal, musk, civet, and unguents diverse;

And pouring rose's water

Light the ritual lamp, in devotion ecstatic.



1919 Samadhi Rituals (Cont.)


Smear the body entire with ashes white and holy

To form a shroud protective;

Place the body on an Asana (seat) appropriate,

Spangle bright with incenses several and ashes holy;

And thus seated, cover the cave with earth.



1920 Samadhi Rituals (Cont.)


Having covered thus, level the four sides;

Place his sandals and ear rings,

And an image with face and eyes

Decked in dress appropriate;

Offer parched rice, food, and tender coconut.



1921 Samadhi Rituals (Cont.)


Then pour the ashes white and powdered incense,

Shower flowers diverse, Kusha grass and Bilva leaves,

Sprinkle water holy,

And raise a platform three feet by three.



1922 Samadhi Pujas


Upon the platform plant

The sapling of peepal tree, or a Lingam holy,

Arrange the Sannidhi (face) toward north or east

And perform pujas with rituals sixteen,

In devotion endearing.





1923 Devolutes of Bindu


When Creation commenced,

From Para Bindu arose Kundalini

And from Kudilai the Vaindavam in the firmament vast

And the nine gods Brahma and the rest

And their Saktis

And in order corresponding

The Karanas, the Kalas and the sound Vaikari (Nada).



1924 Thirty Six Tattvas Devolute


Bindu attains modification five times five (twenty-five)

Nada attains modification four and six (ten)

The rest two--Sakti and Siva--attain not modification

But activate the other two--Bindu and Nada.



1925 Saktis Devolute from Bindu


Out of the Mamaya

Para Bindu gives rise to--

All these manifestations

Vagesi, Tatparai, Kudilai and Kundalini;

These Saktis four ultimate from Bindu evolute.



1926 Kalas Nada and Karanas Devoluted


The Kalas Nivirti and the rest,

In which repose sounds "A", "U" and "M" composed

There in Nadanta Bindu enters

And into the Karanas that include the Mind

And the internal organs intellectual

Devolute manifesting these

The Bindu its act of creation ceases.



1927 Bindu is the Causal Seed of Five Acts


The Parapara that is the End and the Beginning

Immanent, He expands thus;

As Cause and Effect, too, well He is;

And as Bija

The Five Acts performs.



1928 Bija is the Macro and Micro Causal Seed


By the power of Bija that from Bindu emanated

The world and the cosmic universe arose

From out of Casual (Asuddha) Maya (Stuff of matter)

Arose the elements five--the sky and the rest;

And this Bindu, micro and macro, is.



1929 Bindu is White and Nada Red


The Bindu that shines

Within the body and without (in all Nature)

Is white in hue;

Red is vibrant Nada;

As Sakti and Siva embedded within

Well can they Mukti grant,

If in wisdom activated.



1930 Bindu is Cause-Effect


All-pervasive unto the Param

The Bindu stands;

Veiling all unto a filament vast;

And filling everywhere as the space in pots all;

As Mamaya that is Cause and Effect

It all cosmos pervades.



1931 Bindu is the Seed in the body and Divine Swan in Cosmos


There in the Bindu,

Nandi stands His Grace to bestow;

That it is in their Bija within, they know not;

That Seed as scented flower in the (body) into microcosm blossoms

As a Divine Swan So-ham in the macrocosm it is;

He the Blessed One that is the Causal Seed of all.



1932 Siva is Seed, Bindu is Embryo


Without seed is embryo none,

Except from seed the embryo appears not;

The seed and the embryo are but one, separate never;

Thus are the Bindu and Siva too;

This you should know.



1933 How Food Builds Body, Blood and Mind


The food you partake in divisions three go

To the body, to the mind and to the excreta;

The parts that to the body and the mind go

Verily become the blood, first.



1934 How Bindu is Formed From Food


Out of the seven constituents food breaks into,

(Blood, lymph, bone, skin, flesh, brain and semen)

The Bindu forms in days three

Unto the tiny dew drop on a blade of grass;

And full matures in days three times seven.



1935 Bindu is Transformed into Mind and Kalas


When in the body for three days it remains thus,

It becomes a part of the Mind;

As Kala Bright--Intelligence illumined;

For those immersed in thoughts holy, it is there retained;

For those who in sex intercourse indulge,

It will depart, their mental powers deteriorated.



1936 Waste Bindu, the Body Perishes


They know not the destruction that wasting of Bindu results in;

They resolve not their decay to prevent by will power determined;

They who thus perish in this perishing body

Know not the way they perish;

And give it up not.




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