Friday, December 4, 2015

Tirumantiram - TANTRA Four-Ovi 1402 - 1418 of 1418


English translation of the Tamil Spiritual Classic by Saint Tirumular



TANTRA Four-Ovi 1402 - 1418 of 1418



1402: Haum Sakti (Sadasiva Nayaki)--in Ajna Center


The Sakti of the Sadasiva,

Has faces five and hands ten,

Of these, the downward looking face (Athomukha)

Is divine far indeed.



1403: Haum Sakti's Form


The resounding bell, the trident, the skull and the parrot

The serpent that gems hold, the axe, the knife, the ball

The lotus that is lovely unto Her eyes,

The kettle-drum that is held in Her hands

The gem-set garland that adorns Her body,

With these She worship receives.



1404: Haum Sakti is Surrounded by Forty Saktis and Forty Vestal Virgins


With forty Saktis the worship offering,

With forty Virgins making the retinue

The Beloved One is seated in the Chakra;

And there in uninterrupted rapture, they are.



1405: Practise Kundalini Before Haum Sakti


The Fire that burns in the Muladhara

To rouse it and send it upward over adharas,

Do center your mind on the root mantra (Aum)

Your mind-force then lifts it up, heavenward,

Like the clouds over terrestrial sphere.



1406: Aum Sakti Arose as Sivayanama


The Pranava Mantra composed of letters A and U

From terrestrial sphere Muladhara arose

Ascended upward

And as Sivayanama to eye appeared;

Invisible it is not to the naked eye;

Visible it rose, for us to see.



1407: Form of Amudeswari (Aum) Sakti in Moon Sphere


Thus was She seated, Amudeswari,

In the Moon Sphere of ambrosia

In cranium within;

There She was, the ambrosial milk breasted;

Her throat and hands shine unto silver and gold

In Her Hand She held the hermit's pitcher of earth made,

White-hued She is unto the ambrosia.



1408: Aum Sakti Described


Beautious unto ambrosia is Her form,

As crystal pure She rises in me,

Unto a lily She is,

Unto the pearl of deep cool waters She is,

Unto ambrosia rich, immortal She is.



1409: Aum Sakti is Surrounded by 36 Saktis and 36 Vestal Virgins


The goodly Saktis six and thirty

The vestal Virgins* six and thirty

They seek Her that has her home in the lotus bloom,

They seek Her, the Eternal One,

From within the lotus of their bosom.

*070Yoginis (female yogis)



1410: Practise Kundalini for a Year


My thoughts stood still in meditation,

The Kundalini Fire filled the adharas,

I beheld the Light above in Sahasrara,

And as I held it in my heart,

In a year Sakti appeared;

The Sakti that is of luminous Aum.



1411: Effect of Worship of Aum Sakti


Luminous indeed they become

All that are in High Heaven,

Low they bowed before me

All the world, and all the creatures therein,

Unto Narayana was I blessed

With all things goodly;

How can I recount

All that comes of Aum Sakti.



1412: Saum Sakti in Sahasrara


Above the downward looking face of Haum Sakti

Above the Aum Sakti in Lunar Sphere

In Letter U Form

Is the Celestial Garden

There unto the Wishing tree of Kalpaka is Saum Sakti;

She of golden vine-like Form

Is on lotus seated.



1413: Saum Sakti is Maiden Innocence


As you worship that golden vine

The exulting I-ness leaves you;

In the Chakra Sahasarara that represents the spaces vast

You shall see Her, close entwined,

She, the Maiden Innocence.



1414: Saum Sakti is of Surpassing Beauty


For this Maiden Innocence

Beauty is woman's perfection embodied;

For Her the Lord is the father

The world vast is Her tilak;

Surrounded by maidens several

She takes Her place,

In the narrow crevice of Sahasrara.



1415: Saum Sakti is Surrounded by 32 Saktis and 32 Vestal Virgins


Saktis thirty and two surrounding,

Vestal Virgins thirty and two accompanying,

In the spreading petalled lotus within

She sat,

She that has places several.



1416: Saum Sakti Appeared in Me


There they were, the Sadhakas, basking in the Light of the Dancer,

There they were, the Sadhakas visioning Her, the Cause of All

There they were, the Vedas, ancient, seeking Her everywhere,

But this day,

She in me as Her Home

Reigns supreme.



1417: Lord Alone is the Refuge


He who has Her in the home of his heart,

He lacks nothing;

He who has Her in the home of his heart,

He begs not;

He who has Her in the home of his heart

He has peers none among Celestials even;

He who has Her in the home of his heart,

For Him is the Lord that nothing lacks.



1418: Jiva Chakra of 64 Chambers


Sixty and four are the instruments of enjoyments

That tempt Jiva,

Sixty and four are Kalas within Jiva,

Sixty and four are the Chambers of Jiva's Chakra

Sixty and four, where Siva Sakti are.






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