Wednesday, December 30, 2015

TIRUMANTIRAM - TANTRA SEVEN - Verses 1937 – 1955 of 2121


English translation of the Tamil Spiritual Classic by Saint Tirumular



TANTRA SEVEN - Verses 1937 – 1955 of 2121



1937 Siva Yogi Sublimates Bindu


Do not look at women

Who intent on lust look at you;

Away from them;

Light the fire of Kundalini;

Melt your heart in divine love;

Uproot the evil desire that sight kindles;

Fix it on the source of Primal Energy

He who does it is verily the Siva Yogi.



1938 Waste Not Bindu


He to lust a slave becomes,

Will in constant fear be;

His body deteriorates,

And his life ebbs away;

He will not Grace receive,

And in Siva Yoga lasts not.



1939 Regulation Days for Sexual Union


Those who wish to sleep with women

Let them observe the periodicity thus:

Of the two phases of the moon,

The first eight days of the waxing moon

For union appropriate are not;

In the six days that remain,

And in the first six days of the waning moon

Can they in union be.



1940 Regulation Days for Practising Yogis


Let those that Yoga practise

Avoid the fifth, the sixth and the eleventh days

After the woman menstruates;

The rest, who the pleasure seek,

Take the six days, in the middle

Of the three weeks that follow.



1941 Duration of Sexual Union and Rules for Release of Bindu


When on union they decide on,

Let it be for muhurtas* four,

Following the injunctions of Kama Sastras,

Let them the sexual act perform;

When the Moon's Kalas (Left Nadi) shine bright,

And breath in Sun Nadi's low runs

Emit Bindu, the breath holding,

Breathing through nostril right, quelling left.



1942 Sublimate Sex Act


Embrace the damsel,

Your five sense organs with her five conjoining;

But, detached your passion for the woman be;

Like the senses that are Godward sublimated

Be calm; excited be not;

Control your breath, senses and mind,

Concentrated be your thought,

Thus emit your Bindu.



1943 Direct your senses Inward


Goodly amour, beauty and youth

Shapely form and coral lips

And breasts that swell,

--When in union with damsel such as she--

You the Bindu emit,

Emit, your senses inward directed.



1944 Determine the Results of the Act


Having emitted,

Examine the laws of conception

The time of union, of pregnancy and delivery

The baby's length of life, and death;

Its character, good and bad,

These you in detail determine.



1945 Seek not Further Union


Having examined these,

Abstain from worldly concerns,

And leave the maiden of shapely breasts;

And further union seek not;

Within months two

Will the baby its form take,

And all the rest you have reckoned follow.



1946 Know the Seed of Seed and Preserve Body


Except for those who plant the seed,

Harvest there be none, future;

Except for those who plant the seed,

Wisdom great there be none;

If they know the Seed of seed for certain

Preserved their body be

Unto the mango fruit kept in vessel suspended.



1947 Lord Settles Fate and longevity of Embryo With Concern


The Lord has concern great

For the seed in womb;

Even in the seed with forethought

He settles its fate and span of life;

Thus, when the Seed itself is the Causal Thought,

To attribute Cause and Effect to factors outside

Is but imagination's figment.



1948 Conserve Bindu and Attain Siddhis


If Bindu stands retained in body

Life ebbs not;

Great strength, energy, intelligence alert,

Tapas, contemplation and Maunam (silent-ness)

And siddhis enduring,

--All these are attained,

--If Bindu be conserved true.



1949 Conservation of Sex Energy Vital for Yoga Practice


Thus conserved, they light the Fire of Kundalini,

And forcing it upward through Nadi Sushumna

Reach the state of illumination;

There they partake of the ambrosia

From the Moon within flows;

Those who do this in unbroken continuity,

Are verily Siva Yogins true.



1950 Conserve Sex Energy and Become Heroes


The Yogi, the Jnani, and the Siddha high

The Bhoga Yogi who is yet the king of Jnanis,

All these, though troubled by passions

Yet savour the ambrosia within; (in the Yogic way)

Heroes, all, they are indeed,

Who the Bindu had conserved.



1951 Burn Bindu in Fire of Kundalini


The fiery Bindu above is Lord's Body (macrocosmic)

The Bindu wasted here below is vital Prana (microcosmic)

If mixing the two, they burn it in the Fire of Kundalini

Then they consume the very ambrosia

--This, the wisdom of Yogis true.



1952 In Yoga Bindu is Divinely Assimilated


In ignorance the folks waste it daily,

And destroyed by senses, in pain weep;

If in wisdom, they conscious perform Yoga supreme,

The Bindu disppears, divinely assimilated.



1953 Lust is Death's Messenger


If you hold women as Death's messengers,

Love's passion vanishes away;

Death there is none;

For ages innumerable will you in Divine Light be,

Your Impurities forever totally rid.



1954 Conquer Bindu and Conquer Time


He that has conquered Bindu has conquered Time;

He that has wasted Bindu has perished before his time;

They know not that Bindu that has been preserved

In time becomes one with Kundalini,

Their breath controlled in the Yogic way.



1955 Embrace Woman after Cleansing Her


If you desire woman's love, intense to excite,

The day before you in sexual union indulge,

Cleanse the woman of her bowel, phlegm and bile,

Then in union embrace her.


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