English translation of the Tamil Spiritual Classic by Saint Tirumular
TANTRA Four-Ovi 1319 - 1377 of 1418
1319: The Nine Letters of Navakkari Become Eighty-One
I shall speak of Navakkari (Nine-Lettered) Chakra,
The One-lettered, becomes the Nine-lettered
The Nine-lettered expands into Eighty-one lettered;
Navakkari are the nine letters from Klim to Saum.
1320: The Nine Mantras: 1) Srim 2) Hrim 3) Aim 4) Gaum 5) Krim 6) Haum 7) Aum 8) Saum 9) Klim Enumerated for the First Rote
With Klim as mantra-foot
Srim, Hrim, Aim, Gaum
Krim, Haum, Aum, and Saum
Thus in order is the mantra
In the end chant Sivayanama,
At every rotation.
1321: Navakkari Mantra Gives All Blessings
Navakkari is the Chakra on which I practise,
In Navakkari arises all that is goodly,
When you chant the Navakkari Mantra
Deep within you,
The Navakkari Sakti, all blessings, confers.
1322: Blessings of Navakkari Mantra
Jnana and knowledge all, shall yours be;
The Karmas hard will flee from you;
No more will you evil deeds perform;
All boons will be granted to you;
The vision of Divine Light, yours shall be.
1323: Earthly Gifts of Chakra
Inscribe the Chakra on silver, gold or copper,
Meditate on it,
Your actions, all, will succeed;
You shall triumph in the world
The gifts of Chakra shall be as rich
As your meditation on it is deep.
First Round
1324: Chant From Srim to Klim on Chakra
Chant it with Srim to commence and Klim to end,
And thus as you continuous chant,
The first syllable becomes the last syllable
Meditate on the Chakra within
Offering rice grain and Kusa grass,
Thus perform archanas,
She shall appear before you.
1325: Srim Sakti Appears as a Golden Flower of Smoky Hue
The Srim Sakti thus appears
Of Her hue, you shall learn;
She is unto a golden flower of smoky hue;
All your wishes She will fullfil
Do adore, Her Grace to receive.
1326: Srim Sakti Confers Name, Fame and Immortality
All things will fare well with you here below
Kala, God of Death, will bypass your days reckoned,
your name and fame will spread like shafts of light,
Close nearer and nearer to Her
You shall reach Her.
1327: Srim Sakti Confers Blessings Several
Gold, silver and precious stones shall yours be,
Divine Grace and prosperity shall yours be,
The heavenly Devas' celestial life shall yours be,
That you may attain these, do meditate on Her.
1328: You Will Reach Siva by Worship of Srim Sakti
They meditate on Her,
That they immortals become,
The Lord of immortals shall bless you;
He who wears the Ganga and contains Her,
Him you persevere to reach.
Second Round
1329: Chant Hrim Commencing and Srim Ending
The letters in the Chakra you worship
With Hrim commencing and Srim ending;
Meditate on Her, the goodly famed one bedecked in garlands,
You shall see Her
As the cloud-laden flower-garden.
1330: Seek Hrim Sakti Constant; Your Face Will Glow
Meditate on the incomparable Sakti Hrim (Tani Nayaki)
Your face shall glow in consuming attraction
Seek Her constant,
The One who in the Param of Divine Light reposes
Seek Her, the Eternal One.
1331: Seek Hrim Sakti; the Rulers Will Be With You
Meditate on Her, who all blessings are;
The earthly rulers will with you be
Those against you will flourish not;
Praise Her who the Lord's Form shares.
1332: Reach Holy Feet of Hrim Sakti
Chant Her name (Hrim)
Who the mistress of directions eight is;
Attain the life of celestial gods
And so live;
Abandon the way that to this world leads again
Reach the Holy Feet of Tani Nayaki Sakti
And there flourish.
1333: Chant Hrim Sakti's Name in Silentness With Flowers
They flourish at Her Holy Feet
Who chant Her name in silentness;
Who adore Her Feet with flowers
They know the way to reach Her Feet.
Third Round
1334: Chant Aim to Hrim for Aim Sakti Worship
The Chakra expands with Aim to begin
From Aim beginning in Hrim it ends;
She who is dear unto Primal Lord
Her, you meditate as Aim to begin.
1335: Aim Sakti (Vageswari) Will Appear
The Sakti you adore is Vageswari (Goddess of Logos)
Whom all Vedas and Agamas praise
She who is within the grasp of our tongue's chant
Shall reveal Herself to you, face to face.
1336: Hold the Chakra in the Tongue; Vageswari Lends Great Powers
This Chakra that before you appears,
If you hold in your tongue,
Its Mantra assumes the Dancer's Divine Form;
If this Vidya that is in the Golden Hall
Shall come within a human's reach,
Then this man shall conquer all,
The slender Sakti, Her grace conferring.
1337: Future Will Worship Aim Sakti; One of Unalloyed Joy
She of the slender Form is the Truth Divine;
Chant Her mantra and constant meditate;
Your days, in diverse ways rolled on,
Will in steady prosperity ascend thereafter.
1338: You Will Master All Learning
Chant Aim mantra unceasing
All blessings shall follow;
You shall gain the understanding
That is beyond words and meaning of words;
With the blessing of Her, who is Queen of learning,
You shall a master of all Learning be;
No more enemies for you, here below.
Fourth Round
1339: Chant Gaum to Aim--Gaum Sakti Worship
No more enemies
For those who chant from Gaum to Aim
No more malicious glees against you
For those who meditate the Vine (Gaum) on the Chakra,
All creation shall bow to them
With exception none,
No exaggeration this is.
1340: Adore Gaum Sakti and Be Blessed
Adore Sakti who over all Tattvas rule,
All goodly lives will bend before you;
Lust, anger and ignorance with all in terror flee
Your actions all will shining be.
1341: Supreme Powers Conferred on the Gaum Sakti Sadhaka
He alone speaks,
And what he speaks is the final word;
He alone can speak
What he thinks is the right;
He who meditates on Her,
Who witnesses the Dance of Siva,
Is verily the Master of all around.
1342: Gaum Sakti is Mother of All
She is the Mother that all life is
She is the Lady that all life created
Worship at Her Feet, and all things will yours be;
Your Karmas will vanish, you shall holy become.
1343: Remain Close to Gaum Sakti
Holy you shall remain,
Far and wide in this world;
Honoured you shall there walk,
Benevolent you shall be to one and all,
Close to Her, you shall there tarry.
Fifth Round
1344: Chant Krim to Gaum
From Krim to Gaum
That the Chakra, I know of;
Those who meditate deep on it
Will become dear unto that Parasakti,
The Virgin of the sylvan glades;
And they shall shine high in this world.
1345: Blessings of Prosperity by Krimsakti (Parasakti)
When the luminous Parasakti
Within you takes Her abode,
Your heart dances in joy;
Clear vision fills your thoughts;
Rains copious fall,
Wealth and prosperity smile
Thus shall it be for those who meditate on Her.
1346: Kings Shall Respect the Sadhaka of Krim Sakti
Meditate on the Chakra, worship performing
Your obstacles, all, overcome will be;
Kings shall go to you and pay their respect
Your thoughts will glow, no sorrows emanating.
1347: The Sadhaka Shines Bright
Sorrow's fumes will not be;
A golden light will suffuse their body;
Hell none will be, as killing there is none,
Nothing else the refuge for all life on earth,
Nothing else is their crown of glory
For those who meditate on Krim
In Chakra Navakkari.
1348: Ignorance Dies by Worship of Krim Sakti
Those who meditate on Her
Glow in fame in directions all;
They experience not the evils of searing Karma;
Their inner light spreads far and wide;
Their egotiy perished,
The light of differentiated knowledge
Forever snuffed out.
Sixth Round
1349: Chant From Hau(m) to Krim
The Chakra with mantras from Hau(m) to Krim is all light,
Happiness it is to those who meditate on it,
Pure Jnana and clear vision fills their thoughts
Meditating on it is meditating on Panchakshara.
1350: Sadasiva Sakti (Haum) Immanent in All
She (Haum) is the Sadasiva Sakti
She is the light behind the Adho-mukha
(Downward looking face of Lord-Maya;)
She is the One emanating, taste, sight, feel, sound and smell;
She that is immanent in lives all.
1351: Immanence of (Haum) Sakti Further Elaborated
Within Herself She is,
Without, in all World She is,
Within me She is,
Filling it entire
Within earth, water, fire, wind and sky She is;
Within the eye, within the body too
May you behold Her.
1352: Well May We See Haum Sakti
Well may you see all that She does,
Immanent in our lives;
Well may you see Her,
If in your thoughts you hold Her;
Well may you see Her
If in the depths of your heart you make way for Her;
Stand firm,
Seeking Her in your thoughts constant.
1353: Haum Sakti's Pervasiveness
She stands pervading the seven worlds at once;
She stands immanent in all hearts everywhere;
She stands bearing all goodly things of the world
She stands as the Divine Truth
That dispells Karmas hard.
Seventh Round
1354: Chant Au(m) to Hau(m)
Divine Truth it is,
The Chakra from Au(m) to Hau(m) runs,
She Aum is the meaning within
Of that Chakra;
She is Amudeswari, the Self-created
As goodly riches,
She in Chakra's midst stood.
1355: Meditate on Amudheswari (Aum Sakti)
That Amudheswari do hold in your heart
Rouse Kundalini with your breath coursing upward;
Daily will you vision things newer and newer;
Listen to this, your body perishes never.
1356: Consciousness of Time and Space Lost
Having the rising Light in the Chakra visioned
No more the harm that comes to you;
Having lost the sense of Time's beginning,
No more the spatial consciousness will be;
Having seen the Way of Her Grace,
No more the differences in power and pelf will be;
Having reached the Land of Goal
No more the forest of sorrow will be.
1357: Transcendental State of Consciousness of the Sadhaka in Aum Sakti
All the space you sojourn becomes desolate nothingness
All the space you have learned to be
Becomes an interminable Void;
None other place there is;
Not a wee-bit space there is;
Stand unfaltering, where you are,
Firm in Aum Sakti.
1358: Aum Sakti Appears as Light
In the seven seas, seven worlds will you be,
All your wishes granted will be,
If your heart in constancy stands,
When you see Sakti in you firm stands
She appears as the Light Radiant High.
Eighth Round
1359: Ninth Rote--Chant From Saum to Aum
The Chakra that extends
From Sau(m) to Au(m) is light that illumines,
That Chakra luminous is the Truth Eternal;
The Sakti that is unto a shaft of lightning,
Do you meditate and luminous be.
1360: Saum Sakti is Supreme Jnana
To speak of the Eternal Truth
That high above beams,
That verily is Sakti of Slender Form;
Do seek Light that is Truth of Jnana;
They who seek the Light
Will themselves unto Light be.
1361: Saum Sakti is All
She is spaces all, She filled spaces all;
She is the space beyond spaces
She created all, She preserved all,
She is universe all, and lives all.
1362 She is in the Throat Center Too
Immeasurable She is, in universe immense
In the body corporeal She vast spaces filled;
Well may you see many goodly things in Muladhara,
Yet may you not know that She stands
In the very center of your throat (Visuddha).
1363: The Ignorant Know Not Saum Sakti's Greatness
They know not Her pervasiveness in the sea-girt world,
They know not Her immanence in body and life,
They know not Her Anklet, seeking other gods;
Thus are they fated to be.
1364: How to Form the 81-Squared Navakkari Chakra
To speak of that Chakra, of its volition arose,
Mark lines ten (horizontal and vertical)
And thus form nine squares on each line,
In all form squares eighty and one.
1365: Coloring the Chakra
As thou form the Chakra thus,
Colour the outer circle in hues of gold,
Mark the squares red
And the mantra letters green.
1366: Worship of the Chakra
Inscribe the Sakti's letters on bark of tree
Fill Sakti in chambers eighty and one;
Offer hot ghee and rice
Perform homa,
And Prana Oblations.
1367: Effect of the Chakra Worship
Hold to the Sakti (Sri) Chakra in calmness;
As you meditate on it day after day
You shall in felicity be;
And as your name and fame unto Brahma's soar,
One with Siva you in loved union be.
1368: Smear Chakra With Nine Perfumes
Sandal, saffron flower, musk of deer
Fragrant paste, civet scent and ghee
Camphor, bezoar, and rose water
These nine you blend on the Chakra smear.
1369: Chant Mantra a Thousand Thousand Times
To speak of the Worship
That you should perform at Sri Chakra;
That holds the Virgin Sakti as its nodal pull
Worship the mantra with incantations a thousand thousand
Thus do you on it continuous meditate.
Ninth Round
1370: Chant Klim to Begin; Sakti Appears
She beams as divine light in your thoughts
She appears with hands six
She holds in them weapons six--
The torch, the trident, the goad, the noose, bow, and arrow
Chant the Mantra with Klim to begin,
She before you appears.
1371: Klim Sakti's Appearance in Chakra
The Saktis sixty-four surrounding,
The Virgins eight were there too,
With bow and arrow in their hands two
They seated were in the Chakra opposite.
1372*36Form of Klim Sakti in the Chakra
Bedecked in jewels of gold,
With ear-rings, crown, and apparel fine,
Unto the choicest pearl, and of crimson-hued form,
And on lotus petals seated,
There She is,
For those who on the Chakra meditate.
1373: Sound and Light Appear in the Chakra
If with feeling intense you meditate on Her,
She pervading all, showers Her Grace;
You shall perceive enveloping sound (Nada) and light (Bindu);
From within the Chakras She rises
And blesses you.
1374: Klim Sakti Leads You to the Great Way
She is the Light Divine
That leads you to the Way Great;
She grants you Tattva Jnana
Through the Guru Way,
Having sundered your birth's reckoning.
1375: Klim Sakti; She is the Light of the World
The Luminous One, the dazzling Light,
In soft radiance, Sakti emits Her brilliance divine;
She is of the dark-golden hue of clouds,
She stood as light through world entire.
1376: Klim Sakti's Form
The spreading hands two held lotus blooms,
The blessing hands two in tender grace gestured,
The lovely breasts two were in pearl and coral decked
The comely garments in pure gems interlaced.
1377: Klim Sakti Alone Grants Grace
On the head She wears the jewelled crown,
At the feet the lovely anklets,
Thus does She adorn Herself;
Without Her is Grace none;
In the hearts of those in meekness pray
She appears as Divine Grace,
She grants Liberation
To those in devotion seek Her.
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